Tips To Carry Your Pet On Your Next Vacation

From sneaking meals from under the table to sleeping in our beds, whoever has pets knows that, with time, they become a massive part of the family. So when you think about taking a time-honored vacation, it is natural to want to bring your pet along because you know they’ll only double the experience. In addition, it’ll be suitable for your pet because they’ll get to explore new locations.

However, at the same time, bringing your pet with you on vacation poses a series of challenges. Is your pet comfortable going to unknown locations? Do you need your vet’s permission? Will your pet be able to ride or fly with you safely and quietly for more than 6 hours? Not paying attention to minor details can also ruin your time off and affect your pet.

All in all, a little forethought and planning go a long way in ensuring everything goes smoothly. That said, here are some tips that can make all the difference in planning for a successful vacation with your fluff ball:

1. Choose your destination and accommodation wisely.

When traveling with a pet, you must first research the destination beforehand because you don’t want your pet to feel uncomfortable. Secondly, check that your accommodation offers a few pet-friendly amenities.

Suggestion Alert: While there are so many unique pet-friendly locations in the United States, the mountain town of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, will surely pique the interest of you and your pet. With the abundance of beautiful views and locations, there are many pet friendly cabins in Pigeon Forge for when you want your pet to have a comfortable experience. The cabins provide all amenities, such as food service, outdoor spaces, and play areas.

2. Make sure to include your vet in this matter.

Before you begin making travel arrangements, it is a good idea to speak with your veterinarian because they are the health authorities on your pet. Your veterinarian could suggest some pet-friendly locations. Or, they could advise you to hire a sitter for your pet if they have any health issues.

Even a healthy pet may need more shots or a health certificate before you leave, depending on where you’re going.

3. Don’t forget to pack for your pet. 

You must bring a unique bag exclusively for your pet when you vacation with them. Here are some items you should pack if you intend to travel with your pet:

  • Food dishes
  • Lots of water
  • Hygiene products
  • A leash and harness
  • Treats
  • Disposal bags
  • A plentiful supply of food
  • Favorite toys
  • Any drugs your pet is currently taking
  • A blanket and pet bed

Furthermore, older and disabled dogs could require additional supplies. Consider the following:

  • Bring any prescriptions or dietary supplements that your pet may need.
  • If your pet has incontinence issues, pet diapers are excellent solutions.

4. Traveling by plane

You must get your pet’s health documents from your vet at least ten days before your flight leaves. Doing so will attest to your pet’s health and show that they are up-to-date on all their vaccinations. Determine what is necessary for your trip because traveling often requires additional documentation. Bigger pets usually travel in the cargo area. In contrast, small pets may fly with you in the cabin in an authorized carrier. Try to book your flights for the evening or morning during the hotter months. During the winter, book a flight that leaves in the middle of the day.

5. Traveling by car

Pets should be inside a carrier within the vehicle so they won’t disturb the driver or fly off in the case of an accident. The pet carrier needs to be fastened to stay put when the car moves. Avoid placing your pets in the passenger seat, as pets can get critically injured if the airbag deploys. Also, never allow your pet to ride with its head out the window while the car moves, no matter how charming it may be. And never leave your pet alone in the vehicle. On the other hand, if your pet is not used to riding with you in the car, arrange a few practice trips before the day of travel arrives.

6. Keep your pet engaged with activities 

While on your trip, ensure your pet has something to do to keep them entertained. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Are there mountains where you are right now? Take a hike with your pet. In case your pet gets hurt, pack a pet transport stretcher.
  • Don’t forget your park playthings.
  • What about lakes or oceans? If your pet enjoys swimming, they will adore doing so.
  • Don’t forget the necessary tools! If the terrain will differ from what your dog is used to, use boots to prevent unpleasant cracks on your dog’s paws. To keep your dog safe in the water, bring a swim vest.

7. Plan ahead in case you get separated 

It is much more crucial to have a strategy in place in case of separation while taking your pet to a new location. Ensure your pet’s identification tags are current and fastened by their harness or collar. Another tag that contains the specifics of the vacation accommodation can be added. Make sure other individuals, such as the personnel at a hotel or resort, are aware of your pet. Keep your pet’s medical records on you at all times in case of an emergency while you are away from home.

Final Thoughts

These are many things to consider when traveling with your pet on vacation with you. While taking advantage of these suggestions, remember that this is only a “vacation.” So remain calm, enjoy the serenity, and make the most of this experience.

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