
A Traveler’s Guide To Argentina

Located in South America, Argentina is one country which has a lot to offer to its visitors. If some countries boast of tropical paradise or historical places or lovely mountain ranges, Argentina has all of these in store for the wandering tourist and so much more.

European Touch

Try doing a walking tour in the city of Buenos Aires, the country’s capital, and be mesmerized by the cobblestoned streets, rustic boutiques, and artistic shops. It is no wonder that it is often called as the Paris of the South. Art lovers would enjoy staying in this city as they can visit so many historical places, such as the Recoleta, Teatro Colon, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, and Museo Xul Solar.

Sway into Tango

Perhaps one activity you can do in Argentina and cherish for a lifetime is to bring yourself into a tango dance theatre. These dinner theatres not only provide amazing food, ambiance and shows, they also give you a tango lesson. This is a great chance to familiarize yourself with the history of the dance and to enjoy it with other people who come from other parts of the world who are just as excited to be acquainted through dancing. Complejo Tango and We Are Tango offer intimate shows and lessons for small groups, so come and enjoy a night of entertainment.

Satisfy Your Appetite

If you love steaks, then you have come to the right place. Argentina is best known for perfecting the art of grilling different cuts of beef, called locally as parrillada. Appetizers, called entrees in Argentina, mostly consist of empanadas. These are baked pastries with meat filling although vegetarian versions are also available, like those filled with cheese and onions. Due to their French, Italian, and Spanish ancestry, you can also find several pizza places along the streets that have heavy cheese toppings. If your sweet tooth is craving for something, dulce de leche is the most famous dessert in Argentina, as beef is the most famous meal. This is a milky caramel spread, which is paired with bread, cookies, and ice cream. Speaking of ice cream, Argentina has its own version of Italy’s gelato, called the helado, which comes in a variety of flavours. When it comes to drinks, Argentina is popular for its fine wine which mostly comes from Mendoza. There is also the herbal drink called yerba mate, which is often shared in social gatherings by passing around a group of people.

Natural Wonders

The Iguazu Falls is taller and wider than the Niagara Falls and is located in northern Argentina. Enjoy the beauty of the entire site by hopping on a helicopter ride. Down south is the Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, where you can enjoy ice fields, meadowlands, and lakes. Of course, there is the Andes Mountains which reach great heights of 6000 meters in the towns of Mendoza and San Juan.


Be merry by drinking and dancing the night away along streets filled with lively music and fascinating costumes in Argentina’s Carnival. This happens every February and celebrated nationwide. By March, enjoy six nights of tango during the Buenos Aires Tango Festival where you can witness great exhibitions and shows, and also have the chance to learn a lesson or two. Other festivals worth joining are the Fiesta Nacional del Folcloro, Festival del ViƱado, and Fiesta Nacional de la Nieve.

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