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5 Superb Sights of an Alaska Cruisetour

Alaska is a location filled with incredible natural beauty and wildlife and has been a very popular cruise destination for many years. Alaska Cruisetours are an amazing vacation option that allows travelers to extend their trip for a few days before or after their cruise and delve deep into the fantastic region, whether it be by sled, train, or foot. Here are 5 superb sights you may encounter during an Alaska Cruisetour:

1. Breaching Whales

One of the best places to see the massive Humpback Whale or the Gray Whale is within the icy waters of Alaska. This is one of many reasons Alaska should be on your bucket list: southeast Alaska is well-known as a stupendous place to see these enormous, and yet strangely elegant creatures breach. They usually group together in the waters around Point Adolphus near Glacier Bay National Park, or Chatham Strait. If you are a whale-lover, be sure to book an Alaska Cruisetour that visits Glacier Bay National Park. The best time to see them is early to mid-summer.

2. Glaciers!

Any list featuring the highlights of Alaska would be foolish to leave out the huge and graceful glaciers that carve their way through Alaska. No matter which Alaska Cruisetour you choose, you will certainly have the opportunity to see some glaciers, as they are one of the most impressive highlights of the region. There are estimated to be over 100,000 glaciers in The Last Frontier, ranging in size from small to gargantuan. A few of the most popular glaciers and regions: Columbia Glacier (Whittier), Exit Glacier (near Kenai Fjords National Park, Seward), Glacier Bay National Park (12 tidewater glaciers, largest park of its kind in the US), and the Mendenhall Glacier (north of Juneau).

3. Mount McKinley

An Alaska Cruisetour would not be complete without a trip to Mount McKinley, the largest peak in all of North America. This mountain rises up to 20,320 feet at its highest point, and is located in the Alaska Range). Alaska Cruisetours can include a number of activities that feature Mt. McKinley or the other mountains in the region. For example, you could try a helicopter ride over the top that lands on a glacier, or explore the surrounding area near the peak by horseback.

4. Alaskan Huskies

These rugged creatures are surely a delight to behold when you choose an Alaska Cruisetour. Alaskan Husky dogs are actually a category of dog, not a breed, because they are categorized by their purpose rather than ancestry. You can view that purpose before your very eyes with an incredible excursion during your Alaska Cruisetour. These excursions can include a sled ride through the frozen tundra which is pulled by the tough husky dogs, and even a climb and rappel down a nearby mountain; if you’re adventurous enough.

5. Hot Springs

Although you may not think of anything ”hot” when you think of Alaska vacations, hot springs are a great sight and a warming excursion. There are actually hot springs scattered throughout the Southeast region of Alaska, and a few which are a major attraction for the area. Some hot springs you might want to consider during an Alaska Cruisetour: Baranof Warm Springs (east shore of Baranof Island), Chief Shakes Hot Springs (on the Stikine River), Goddard Hot Springs (Hot Springs Bay).

There’s so much to see and so many different wonders to behold when you choose an Alaska Cruisetour for your vacation. Make sure to talk to a travel agent. They will help you select the best time of the year for you to visit, and what package fits you best. Do you know of any superb sights in Alaska we missed? Tell us in the comments below!

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