Useful Apps for International Travel

It is a rare person who doesn’t like traveling, especially now that globe-trotting is safe, convenient, and comfortable. No need to spend hours in long queues to get a ticket to a coveted destination. No need to book hotels and make reservations at fancy restaurants far in advance to enjoy your holiday. Modern high-tech applications can quickly help you locate a decent alternative to the most-hyped destinations and make the most of your getaway. And there is more to travel apps than just that. And in today’s post, we’re going to tell you about the best apps that will help you travel the world and the seven seas.

Travel List

As its name suggests, Travel List is a great tool to help you make all the necessary arrangements before embarking on your trip.

Packing suitcases may seem like a no-brainer to you. But in reality, lots of travelers end up in rented apartments or hostels without the bare necessities like a toothbrush, recharger, adapter, toilet paper, etc. Travel List will save you lots of minor troubles linked to not having packed the required things. The app will help you ensure you’ve taken everything you might need during your vacation, even if you have to pack at the last minute. What’s more, you can use this app to optimize your itinerary and plan stops wisely. You may also add planned events to your calendar and set alerts not to miss out on some great events taking place in the new country. 

Trip It

Trip It is a powerful all-in-one application that goes a long way towards helping travelers plan their trips, book tickets, accommodations, and choose the most fascinating location in the countries they are going to visit. This app is ideal for planning multi-country travel itineraries. You can also add locations and events to your calendars, as well as schedule important meetings, and share cool locations with your friends on social media platforms.

Google Maps

It would be criminal not to mention Google Maps on today’s list of useful travel apps. Back in the day, locating objects and orienting oneself in a completely new terrain could cost tourists a lot of nerves and precious time. Luckily for all modern travelers, this isn’t the case anymore. Google Maps is a powerful app that makes real-time navigation a breeze. It provides you with detailed information on a wide variety of geographical regions, locations, historical and cultural sites, as well as in-door maps, turn-by-turn directions to your destinations, and much more. You can rest assured that you’ll never get lost with Google Maps.


When you go on a trip, you want each and every day of it to be saturated with new colorful impressions and activities. And GateGuru can help you with that. It can quickly provide information on the nearby airports and find local transport services. Just add your planned itinerary, and the application will automatically generate the most convenient and enjoyable route for you. You can also find exhaustive information on the local airport food, amenities, terminals, and maps.

Seat Alerts

To set the right mood for your trip, you need to make sure that your flight is as comfortable as possible, especially if long-haul travel is concerned. So, next time when planning your trip, make sure to avail yourself of the power of the Seat Alerts app. This tool can monitor the available seats in the planes heading for your destination. Once the desired option is available, it will alert you by sending a notification.

Google Translate

Communicating with locals can be a great problem if you cannot speak the same language they do. But it’s not a problem if you have Google Translate at hand. Type a phrase or a word into the translation box and get it translated in the blink of an eye. You can speed up the process by using the voice typing option.


Those of you who would like to pamper your taste buds should immediately install the Foodspotting app on your smartphones. To get a better feel of the new country, try traditional cuisines! And Foodspotting will help you choose the most exquisite and exotic dishes from the menus in the local restaurants. Check out the photos and other foodies’ reviews to make the right choice.


If you’re not familiar with Mint, in a nutshell, it’s a platform that allows tracking all of your bank accounts, investments, loans, credit cards, and even your credit score. So, this is primarily a budgeting app. It can help you keep tabs on your travel expenses and monitor transactions. Mint also allows you to set savings goals and offers tips on how to spend your hard-earned dollars more wisely.

Hope these applications will help you explore our beautiful planet and visit more destinations in the near future!

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