
The Best River Cruises in the World

There are many different ways to spend your vacation, one of the most romantic is river cruise. Apart from romantic views of the river and its surroundings, river cruises will enable you to see many different places. Every day you will visit another town or another beautiful place.

In this post we will show you some of the best rivers for cruising: Rhone River, Nile River, Yangtze River, Irrawaddy River, Rhine River, Danube River, Amazon River and Mississippi River.

Here are few photos of each river, enjoy!

Yangtze River – China

The Yangtze is the third longest river in the world and Asia’s longest river. Its source is in China and flows into the East China Sea.

Rhine River – Europe

The Rhine begins in the Swiss Alps, runs through northwestern Europe and flows into the North Sea in Rotterdam. Around the Rhine River there are many amazing castles and other historical sites.

Danube River – Europe

The Danube is one of the most beautiful rivers in the whole world. It runs through Central and Eastern Europe. It runs through 9 countries and 4 capital cities are located on its riverbanks.

Rhone River – Europe

Rhone River is located in southern Europe, rising in Switzerland, running from there through southeastern France and flowing into the Mediterranean Sea.

Nile River – Egypt

The Nile is the longest river in the world (6,853 km long). It is located in northeastern Africa. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt.

Irrawaddy River – Burma

The Irrawaddy runs from its source through Myanmar. It is the country’s major commercial waterway, with a length of 2,170 km.

Amazon River – South America

The Amazon is the second longest river in the world and the largest river by discharge of water. It runs through Brazil, Colombia and Peru and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Mississippi River – United States

The Mississippi is the longest river in North America. It is also largest drainage system in North America.

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