
Visit The Big Things Of Australia

If you are planning to travel to Australia, it is important to note that this attractive country has many things to offer its visitors. Actually, you can get some of the largest and most startling structures globally in Australia. This country is home of more than 150 different architectural great works and tourist attractions, which are commonly referred to as “Big Things”. Australia’s Big Things are a must-see for all tourists who want to get a detailed insight into the history, folk art and traditions of this nation.

These are essentially sets of loosely connected large structures and sculptures that started as tourist traps and are today considered some kind of a cult incident and are normally used as a reason for locals and tourists to take group photographs. Most of these Big Things have been legacy listed, and the entire frenzy began with Big Scotsman in Adelaide, which was built in 1963.

The Big Things in New South Wales

New South Wales area is very common for being the host to the Big Cheese, Big Ant and Big Beer Can or the Big Banana. The Big Banana is in fact the initial structure to be built about five decades ago. This is essentially the most adored visitor complexes in Australia and those visiting can tour the banana plantation and buy souvenirs from the gift store. Alternatively, visitors in New South Wales area can see the Big Axe that was built in 1979, the Big Bench or the Big Bicycle. The Big Ayers Rocks is possibly the most known Big structure in New South Wales area.

Although the Big Things mentioned above were particularly created to commemorate an idea or an object, the Big Poo is on the opposite end. The Big Poo was built in 2002 as a symbol of protest against Sydney Water’s decision, which did not agree with recycling waste water.

The Big Things in Queensland

The area of Queensland is known for a bottle and gift shop for brewed drinks, and an interpretive visitor center, known as the Big Barrel. The Big Barrel was built in 2005 and is found on Bargara Road. Another tourist attraction in Queensland area is the Big Boot, which represents a big shoe situated on the roof of a car sales patio. The Big Captain Rock and the six Big Bulls carved by Hugh Anderson are two other essential structures found in Queensland.

The Big Things in South Australia

The most popular Big Thing in the South Australia area is the Big Australia Farmer. The artist Marijan Bekic together with his son David required two years to sculpture it, it weighs 70 tons and measures eight meters in height. The Big Dice, the Big Lobster and the Big Kangaroo are also very well-liked in South Australia.

The Big Things in Victoria

The Big Abalone, Big Cigar and the Big Cows are all found in Victoria. In addition, here you can get to see the Big Miner or the Giant Koala.

The Big Things in Western Australia

To finish the listing of Big Things in Australia is Western Australia, which is home of the Big Crocodile, the Big Bobtail (sculptured out of rammed earth), and Bert Bolle Barometer, which is in fact the biggest working water barometer worldwide.

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