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Traveling Tips for Camping in Europe

From Hollywood movies to envy generating travel magazines, camping trips have always been used as an exciting subject. It is all about exploring the free spirit in you with an affordable budget. The sheer excitement of traveling with uncertainty is the main motivation behind these break-free style journeys. Moreover, camping is the most inexpensive method of traveling, almost like wandering, getting familiar with new places, people and cultures. Though exciting and cost-effective, camping does have its challenges. Let’s discuss some common points that are sure to make your camping experience in Europe, safer and more enjoyable.

Camping Sites

Europe as an ensemble of destinations is much more camp friendly than any other place in the world. Camping sites are available almost everywhere. Most European camping sites are in reasonable vicinity of civilization and that makes them convenient, safe and practical. You can even plan your camping grounds by researching online. The web is abundant with information on these sites. For the more adventurous tribe of travelers camping in the woods, creating their own site has been the preference and it has worked out well for them. You should just be sure of safety and basic availabilities.


Although the whole point of camping is to travel in an adventurous manner, the coexistence and importance of a shoestring budget can’t be denied. This isn’t the most popular form of student travel for nothing.

Planning is important. Even if you are out on a wild backpacking, hitchhiking adventure, money does have a role to play and you should keep a tab. For more organized campers it is best to confirm prices for camping grounds, tents etc. Families can get bulk discounts and there should be no reason to let that go. Food prices may vary from country to country and the difference can be quite big. Surviving on self-cooked food can be a good option. For others, a well-researched food budget is a must. Other costs include internet connectivity, medical aide, laundry etc.

Popular Destinations for Camping in Europe


England is a favorite among all types of travelers and has proven to be a good camping host over the years. Lake District is the most popular campsite, offering many adventurous activities to embark on like trekking, mountain biking etc. The entire region is adorned by majestic mountain ranges and serene lakes.

Playa Montroig

Playa Montroig camping resort in Spain is set by a wonderful sandy beach alongside tropical gardens. The campsite features an Eco- park which is an instant hit among children. More attractions include sprawling woodlands, dedicated play areas and a delightful open-air theater, which hosts magic/puppet/clown shows.

LaVal De Cantobre, France

LeVal De Cantobre, France offers spectacular landscapes, a valley view and many activities to indulge in. The campsite is carved in a huge medieval farmhouse and offers a classic archaic experience. A special proximity feature is the Gorges du Tarn, a beautiful canyon formed by river Tarn.

Ferienparadies Natterer See, Austria

Ferienparadies Natterer See in Austria is a favorite among mountain lovers, located in the Alps with a couple of beautiful lakes and adventure activities to follow. This 75 years old breath taking mountain site will offer activities like curling, tobogganing and langlauf.

Union Lido Vacanze, Italy

Union Lido Vacanze, Italy is a must-visit for regular campers. Very close to Venice the camping site offers a luxurious experience. The campsite has a exclusive beach access and provides an opportunity to indulge in food and beverages featuring nine bars and seven restaurants. Local excursions can be enjoyed on boat or bus.

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