A Vacation Trip You Should Never Miss

Vacation! Sure this term is among the few that sound like music to our ears every time it comes out of our mouths. Well, if you are planning to go on a vacation trip and you wonder where to get travel discounts, and coupons you can check on Travelocity to find all the offers that will help you make the most out your vacation. A wonderful vacation trip should include lots of fun, adventures, the laughs among your friends and family, exploring all the places that you have always wanted to visit. However, when planning on that amazing vacation trip, there are a few places that you should know that you can not miss visiting.

1. The Antelope Canyon Arizona.

The Antelope Canyon is among most photographed places in the American Southwest, thanks to its photogenic and breathtaking view of the canyons. Take a quick glance at a photo of this place, and most likely you will assume that it is photoshopped. The canyon located on Navajo land has two separate parts, namely The Crack also named the Upper Antelope Canyon and the Lower Antelope Canyon, otherwise known as The Corkscrew.

2. The Great Wall of China.

If you are a lover of history and beautiful scenery, this is an attractive site to visit. The walls were built from as early as the 7th century along the east-to-west line across China’s historical borders which was to protect the Chinese Empire against intrusions. The Great Wall still stands strong and is well maintained, and there is a beautiful view of the landscape at every point of this wall.

3. Venice, Italy.

Most of us when we talk about cities we imagine the busy streets, loud horns, busy traffic lights, traffic and many other activities that happen in our cities. However, Venice in Italy is an exemption from all the other cities. It offers a unique experience with no roadways but canals all through the city. There is only one main road in Venice, and only two proper side streets and all others are canals, bridges, narrow paths, and small alleys through the city.

4. Victoria Falls, Livingstone, Zambia.

Victoria Falls is the biggest singular waterfall in the world which is 354 feet high and is one mile across placing it among the most breathtaking waterfalls on earth. It is positioned along the Zambezi River which is the fourth largest lake in Africa. The mist from this waterfall rises over 400 meters high and its roar can be heard from as far as 40 kilometers away.

5. Hawaii

Surely, the list of the fascinating vacation destinations cannot be complete without mentioning the Hawaiian islands. The sandy beaches, delicious meals, beautiful landscape, and the many tourist activities like surfing, skydiving and the wildlife around the islands is the reason that Hawaii is a favorite among tourists. Hawaii also has one of the best luxury resorts in the world.

Vacation trips are meant to be fun and adventurous, and while planning your vacation, it is always great having the list of the best places to visit in mind. These places are vacation hot spots that families and friends can enjoy the many tourist activities that take place at each of them.

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