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Experiencing the Tourist Attractions in Mallorca

The Balearic Islands off the coast of Spain have been one of the most popular destinations for European Tourists over the last forty years. The local economy relies heavily on the tourism industry. Realizing that those fantastic beaches and good weather can no longer ensure that holiday makers will keep coming back, Mallorca has increased the number of attractions and has some of the finest wildlife. There seems to be a good mix for everyone, and as I had been here quite a few times already, I decided to have a look at some of the popular ones. The island is quite large and has a pretty diverse geography going from lush sandy beaches to mountain ranges on the opposite coast.

Family Attractions in Mallorca

As anyone with children can attest, it can be hard to keep them entertained for two weeks on a beach. The easiest way to get around the island is to rent a car. There are many reputable car hire companies, and you find all the details in the tourist information centers. Just a fifteen-minute drive from Palma City, you will come across a marine park, aptly called, Marine World. This has quite a few cool attractions inside including, dolphin shows, sea lion shows, penguins and a very good aquarium with sharks and various other sea creatures. As there are so many interesting exhibits there, it can take up most of a day to see all the shows.

If you are looking more to sit back and watch the world go by with some spectacular views, the train ride up to Soller and Port ’d Soller is a must. The train will take you back to a bygone era as it is an older style traditional train, not too unlike the ones you see on a Swiss mountain peak. To catch the trains, just go to the Plaça d’Espanya. You will find the train platform and all the information you need.

One of the best places we visited which caters to children well is Sol Katmandu Park & Resort. Inside, they have some things we have never heard of before. The first stop was The House, which is an interactive walk-through attraction. It also has a fully interactive aquarium, which I never knew existed. The asylum is one not to be missed; it is like a ghost train of old but with a very modern twist. Definitely not for easily scared or weak hearted. The resort also has a 4D cinema, tequila bar and restaurant, and perhaps the craziest golf course you will ever have the pleasure of seeing.

Outdoor Attractions

The Balearic Islands have a very rich culture and Palma is a great show piece for this. Taking a walk around the city’s old town where you mingle between slightly Muslim-styled building to Gothic churches is a must see if you are keen on discovering the real Mallorca. For history buffs and museum lovers, there are a lot of quirky little museums built out of private residences in the old town. A look inside really gives you a feel for how life was lived in days gone by. The Cathedral, Old Town, and the Arab Baths are all relatively near to each other so they can quite easily be seen in a day.

For a different perspective on the architecture, it is a good ideato take one of the many hire boats out for a jaunt around the coast. You can even use these as taxis to the next town you want to visit. Having a slight phobia of heights, I have always by-passed any climbing trips on my travels, but this time decided to give it a go. The island has some excellent coastal cliffs, which are ideal for climbing and diving into the sea. Being a little concerned of the heights, I was happy that I didn’t need to abseil down extremely high cliffs as the instructors have many routes available to them. Noticing my concern, they took me on some fantastic diving spots.

Following on from our outdoor pursuits, we decided to take a hike through the Serra de Tramuntana, which is a mountain range on the Northwest coast of the island and reaches an altitude of nearly fifteen hundred meters. This has also been recently confirmed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Most of these peaks are accessible, but we heard that the armed forces use the highest peak, Puig Major, for military exercises. So in reality Puig de Massanella is the highest point you can go to in all Majorca. We didn’t walk far from the coast line, which has good pathways and clearly marked walks so we can be pretty confident of not getting lost.

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