Best Hidden Gems in Luxor to Explore

Luxor is named by this name due to its large number of palaces and temples. Luxor is one of the most important Egyptian cities. Luxor is considered one of the most attractive tourist areas in Egypt. The tourists prefer to spend the winter season there.

It is 500 Km away from Cairo. It is bordered to the east by the Dead Seas and to the west by the New Valley Governorate. It has an international airport. Luxor alone contains two-thirds of the world’s monuments. Here are the best hidden attractions to explore in Luxor:

1. Deir El-Medina

Deir El Madina is located on Mount Qurna, the western bank, north of the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, southern Egypt, and is considered part of the tombs of the necropolis of the funerary city of Thebes.

The city was called also “The City of Craftsmen. This is what the city was called in the past.

This city is one of the most memorable tourist places in Luxor, as the remains and antiquities found in the Qurna region tell the history of that city and what happened to its residents.

The city was inhabited by a large group of craft workers and their families. The city belongs to the location of the city between the eastern and western mainland of Luxor.

The major goal was to build the area so that it would become the main residence for the families of workers. The area contains more than 50 tombs of workers and supervisors with unique decorations and carvings.

2. The Colossi of Memnon

The Colossi of Memnon was named by the Greeks when one of the statues cracked, and a clear sound came out, so the Greeks named it to the hero Memnon, who was killed in the famous Trojan War. Memnon statue is a pair of giant statues made of stone. The Statue was built in the 14 century BC, during the reign of Amenhotep III. The height of the statue is about 65.60 feet. The Statute of Memnon is made of quartzite sandstone.

The statue of Memnon shows Amenhotep III and his wife, sitting with their hands resting on their knees, with their faces facing the Nile in the east. Both of them are located at the beginning of the Valley of the Kings Road. You can take a lot of photos in front of the statues. The best way to see the status of Memnon is by booking a Nile River cruise. These Nile cruises typically have itineraries that include stops at significant ancient Egyptian sites along the Nile, allowing you to get a closer view of the statues and other historical landmarks along the way.  The colossi of Memnon remains open to tourists from 8 a.m. to 17.00. So you can take some pictures during this time.

3. Medinet Habu Temple

The temple was built to worship the god Amun and the religious beliefs of the pharaohs, such as the god Sekhmet, the god of war, and the god Osiris. The temple plays an important role in recording the wars and victories of King Ramesses III on the walls of the temple.

The reason for the name is due to the funerary city of Habu, which was built by King Ramesses III in Thebes. The city was built it for religious purposes, on a ten feedns area, the giant city walls are considered one of the most important landmarks that attract attention in the region as they are 18 meters long.

Medinet Habu includes many religious temples, artifacts, and Pharaonic monuments; there are:

  • Temple of Ramesses III
  • Holy of Holies
  • Halls of the Three Legends

4. Luxor Museum

Luxor museum was opened in 1975 by President Mohamed Anwer El Sadat and French President Valery Gasicard. So far, it contains nearly 400 artifacts. Any archaeological discovery in the city of Luxor, all archaeological contents are transferred directly to the museum to be displayed in its own halls.

Next to any artifact, there is an explanation in more than one language that tells the biography of the pharaonic king or a complete description of the displayed artifact. From the first moment the tour of Luxor Museum begins by passing the glass gates. All the museum halls were prepared to affect panoramic displays, the museum has a lot of artifacts:

  • Karnak plate
  • Alabaster statue of the god Sebek
  • Statues of King Akhenaten
  • Engraved talat stones
  • Statue of King Amenhotep III
  • The Chariot of King Tutankhamun
  • The Statue of Thutmose III is made of schist stone
  • Limestone stela of King Camus
  • The royal mummies of Ahmose I and Ramesses I

The museum is located in Nile Corniche, Luxor. The design of the museum’s main building is two floors. Inside, each floor was divided into 6 halls.

5. The Ramesseum

The main purpose of building the temple was to be a solid fortress against the Hittites in the famous Battle of Kadesh, which is recorded in pictures and inscriptions on the walls.

Also, there is another purpose for building the temple King Ramses II was interested in demonstrating his power and the importance he had reached throughout history, as he is considered the king who built the most temples. The temple is surrounded by a large mud-brick wall, 270 meters long and 175 meters wide. The Ramesseum Temple is one of the important temples and tourist places in Luxor. It appears to you that one of the pharaonic tombs, but this temple was used in another way that made it one of the most important tourist places in Luxor. This temple consists of:

  • The first courtyard, which consists of 16 cylinders
  • A large hall decorated with Osiris columns
  • Hallways and food stores
  • The throne room and inner chambers
  • Old kitchens and butcher buildings

The temple is located in Downtown Qurna, the western District of Luxor.

6. Habu Temple Village

Ramses III built his funerary temple to record his victories on its walls and to be a temple to Amun, the god of war. The temple was named “Habu” in reference to Medinet Habu in Luxor, while some refer to the name Habu as that of a Christian monk called Habu, the second Christian in this area, when the Christian religion entered.

The area of the temple is nearly 320 meters in length from east to west and 200 meters in width from north to south. It is a gate that was close to it on both sides by two guard rooms to reach what is called the High Gate Ramses III. Inside it is located the private halls of the three maters. You will see a carving on the walls of the main gate of scenes of King Ramesses III while he was leading wars and military campaigns against the enemies of ancient Egypt.

7. The Tombs of the Nobles

The Toms of the Nobles in Luxor are one of the special tourist destinations in Luxor that must be visited and learned about.

The importance of the tombs of the tombs is due to the unique architectural art that is evident in their construction, not to mention the arts and tools they are filled with.

The pharaohs prepared these tombs and filled them with tools and supplies to prepare the dead for their journey to the afterlife. The historical importance is due to the contents of these tombs belonging to the owner of the tomb, including tools he uses and wealth.

In addition, the tombs of the nobles in Luxor are full of drawings and inscriptions that record the history and victories of the owner of the tomb, and here, the progress of the Pharaohs appears to the point that made their art immortal drawings due to the colors they used.

These tombs also provide us with a unique model of architecture in that period, which is evident in the design of the tombs and the distribution and exploitation of their space.

8. Malkata

The palace was built in the fourteenth century BC. Built mostly of mud brick, it was Amenhotep’s residence for most of his late reign. Construction began around year 11 of his reign and continued until the king moved there permanently around year 29. Once completed, it became the largest royal palace in Egypt.

To the east of the palace, a large ceremonial lake has been excavated. The palace area was connected to the Nile through a system of canals, ending in a large harbor or wharf, now called Birkat Habu. Malkata is located on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Luxor.

Final Words

Luxor is a wonderful city to visit. Egypt tours offer comprehensive Egypt tour itineraries encompassing Luxor, Cairo, Giza, Aswan, and Abu Simbel. Choosing a well-rounded tour will let you delve deeper into Egypt’s wonders, including Luxor, creating unforgettable memories across the country’s most iconic sites with affordable prices.

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