Best Advice To Pursue Italian Dual Citizenship In 2022

Woman in Italy

The dual citizenship trend has come a long way in recent years, and countless Americans look forward to joining the bandwagon every year. Italy is one of the preferred destinations as it offers an incredible mix of landscape, climate, culture, and financial opportunities. But getting your second passport requires an in-depth understanding of the immigration laws of the country.

Fortunately, Italy is also among the best destinations from the immigration perspective because it has myriad citizenship routes. You can pick the one that works for you to start with your dream life in Italy. If you want to know more about Italian dual citizenship, you can read an excellent guide here at this website. Besides knowing the details, you can follow some tips to expedite the process. Let us share the best advice to pursue in 2022.

Understand the Benefits

Before starting with the process, you must have the motivation to invest the effort into the process. Everything boils down to understanding the benefits of Italian dual citizenship in the first place. The country is an ideal new home for Americans who can trace their ancestral connections here. You can reclaim your roots by moving here and joining your Italian family. Beyond getting back to ancestral roots, many other benefits beckon immigrants to start a new life in this incredible country.

If you want to explore career and business opportunities in the EU, you can have plenty of them with Italian citizenship. The Italian passport is among the most powerful in the world as it lets you travel visa-free in the EU nations. Italy offers high-quality education at low cost and excellent healthcare facilities, making it an ideal destination for young families and retirees alike. You also get to pass on citizenship to your next generations, making it a worthwhile effort.

Know the Routes

Another tip for aspiring immigrants who want to unlock the dual citizenship of Italy is to know the available routes. You have more than one option to get in, and you can choose depending on your background and future plans. Here are the routes you can explore-

  • Citizenship by descent for people with ancestral roots in the country
  • The 1948 Rule applies to applicants with a maternal lineage in Italy
  • Citizenship by marriage for applicants married to an Italian citizen
  • Citizenship by naturalization for those already residing in the country

You can also look for an Italian investor visa that makes you eligible for citizenship by naturalization eventually. An investor visa does not give you citizenship benefits directly, but you can convert from a residence status to citizenship in the long run.

Understand Eligibility Criteria

This one is a no-brainer because you will have to pick the ideal route depending on your eligibility. Each route has specific requirements that extend beyond the evident ones. For example, the Jure Sanguinis process requires you to validate that your Italian ancestor was a citizen at the time of Italy’s unification in 1861. Moreover, they shouldn’t have given up their citizenship by naturalization in another country. Likewise, you may not qualify through an Italian female ascendant who gave birth before 1948. But you can apply through a court process under the 1948 Rule.

Similarly, you can apply for citizenship by marriage only two years after getting married to an Italian residing in Italy (three years for a spouse living in another country). You will also have to clear a language proficiency test to be eligible. The naturalization process also has some criteria to follow. You must understand the eligibility criteria in detail to find the perfect fit.

Gather Your Paperwork

Knowing your eligibility enables you to pick the ideal route. But when it comes to going ahead with the process, documentation gets you going. You will need a long checklist of papers for each of the routes. These are essential for validating your claims and proving the facts. For example, you will need your ancestral documents to show your connections in Italy. These include the certificates of birth, death, marriage, and naturalization of people in your bloodline. Similarly, a marriage certificate is the mainstay of citizenship by marriage. You will require language test transcripts as well.

Gathering the relevant documents is only half the work done. Only Italian documents are valid for the process. You will also require non-Italian papers such as your ID proofs and naturalization documents originating in the US. These have to be translated and legalized with an apostille stamp for the process. Complete and accurate documents give you the right start. Once you have them, you can apply at the consulate, court, or Italian municipality as applicable.

Collaborate with Experts

While multiple routes are an advantage, choosing among them can get tricky. You have to assess your eligibility for Italian citizenship and understand each option thoroughly to pick the apt one. The best thing to do is collaborate with a citizenship expert who can guide you about these options, eligibility, paperwork, and process. They can even help you complete the document checklists and procure Italian documents with their connections in the country.

Having an Italian citizenship professional showing the way gives you confidence about doing everything right. They ensure no errors and omissions in your paperwork and application. You can look for a specialist like a 1948 lawyer while applying for the court process. Make sure you find someone with the right experience and track record, and you have good chances of making it through without any hassles.

Pursuing Italian dual citizenship can become a lot easier if you embrace these valuable pieces of advice. You can save time, money, and effort by choosing the right option from the start. Moreover, hiring a citizenship professional is a wise move, even if you have to pay for their services. Collaborating with them gives you peace of mind about being on the right track and wrapping up the process at the earliest. When you consider starting your dream life in Italy in 2022, follow these tips to achieve it easily.

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