Eight Reasons to Travel to Seychelles in 2024-2025

Rock formations along the beach
Photo by Christian Cacciamani/Unsplash

Exotic cruises are popular due to several factors, including visa-free entry, direct flights available from many countries, luxurious accommodations, and friendly relations with travellers. Let’s examine why you should consider flying to Seychelles and what there is to see and do.

1. Climate

It is always warm in Seychelles, and the weather is pretty predictable. The climate is tropical, and daily temperatures stay between 24 and 30 ºC all year round. The water temperature in the ocean is usually around 26 ºC. From November to March, rains are possible, but they are primarily scattered and are in themselves an exciting sight. As such, they are unlikely to ruin the vacation. January may see more windy and humid weather. However, customary storms of these latitudes of the Indian Ocean rarely reach the main islands of the Seychelles Archipelago. Moreover, the increased nebulosity during Seychelles’ winter has its benefits: less active sun means less risk of suffering a burn.

2. Nature

Of course, the most recognised landmark of Seychelles is its picturesque granite rocks lying here and there on the local beaches. The islands mainly consist of granite rocks, so huge stones coming out from underneath the ground have become their signature. Other rocks lying outside the coastal areas are no less incredible. The stones, which have been lying there for 145 million years, remember dinosaurs and undoubtedly leave an indelible impression even on the most discerning travellers.

Moreover, it is really, really green in Seychelles. It is much more green than tourists imagine when told about «tropical nature». Tropical climate promotes a wide variety of species, while secludedness and a unique island climate facilitate the growth of endemic species. The best-known of them is, surely, a «sea coconut», Coco de Mer. Another interesting tree growing only in Seychelles is takamaka. A slow-growing evergreen tree is well-adapted to both stony and sandy soils; therefore, it particularly adorns beaches. Its resonant name was given to a popular local rum trademark. The vegetation of mahogany trees (a rare redwood species), for their part, defined the fate and the history of the islands: they made them more attractive for pirates, who liked to repair their ships here, using this fine and tough wood. The pirates are long gone from the region, but exotic trees are not, offering the tourists a splendid sight of their mighty roots’ tangle.

3. No Dangerous Animals and Diseases

The islands’ fauna is no less diverse than the flora. Seychelles are the homeland of one of the largest tortoise species in the world. An «average» tortoise can weigh 110-120 kgs, with individual animals reaching a metre’s length. You can spend your leisure time in the company of local celebrities in the Cap Lazare Reserve. You can also admire the beauties at the Constance Ephelia Resort. Here, next to Seychelles, extremely rare green turtles dwell. A date with them is far more complicated to organise than with their terricolous buddies, but sometimes, tourists are lucky. The local government protects turtles from tourists and other calamities of an anthropogenic kind. The way the communication with turtles is established can be observed at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, which opened on Platte Island in the middle of February 2024. Turtles took a fancy to the L’Ille Platte far before people and laid their eggs in its warm sand, so it is now the task of the hotel’s supervisors and employees to preserve future little turtles’ peace.

Other uncustomary fauna is also plentiful here: harmless maxillopods and crabs are scurrying away from beneath your feet at your every step; therefore, you should look underfoot carefully, especially during nighttime.

A curious fact: some time ago, sea crocodiles dwelling near the Mahé’s coast who used to hinder people from approaching the island. Now, that’s history, and the locals name the complete absence of dangerous animals as a large plus of the islands. By the way, there is no yellow fever here, as well.

4. Culture

Seychelles is the richest and least populated country in Africa. The islands’ population is less than 100,000; however, the annual number of tourists coming here is about 350,000, and in the future, the government expects around 500,000 guests per year. The local people, Creoles, call themselves in a French manner, Seychellois, and view their culture as young but highly authentic.

What really catches tourists’ eye is the abundance of bright colours. You get the impression that there are basically no unhandsome people in the islands: women, men, children—everyone is beautiful and harmonious. The beauty of nature combined with the beauty of men inevitably puts travellers in a good mood and soothes not just the body but the soul, too.

One can be proud of the Seychellois for their relationship to their home and culture. In spite of their absolute benevolence and readiness to meet tourists, they cherish their traditions, however young they were, from excessive foreign influence.

In the interview, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Seychelles, Sylvestre Radegonde, explained that the main task of the islands’ host agencies is to acquaint tourists with Creole culture, cuisine, and customs, not to adapt to every nation’s customs.

5. Visa-Free Entry

Such an attitude doesn’t at all hinder hospitality. On the contrary, Seychelles are a paradise for all the tourists alike: for example, no one needs a visa. To enter the islands, filling in an electronic authorisation form and paying 10€ for an ordinary or 30€ for an express permission process is sufficient. If you buy a tour from a travel agent, don’t worry; the permission fee is included in the tour price. Alternatively, you can pay the fee in cash at Mahé’s Airport.

6. Direct Flights

Direct flights to Seychelles are available from many countries: South Africa (Johannesburg), Madagaskar, Saint-Denis, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, India (Mumbai), United Arab Emirates (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), Qatar, Georgia (Tbilisi), Russian Federation (Moscow), Turkey (Istanbul), Germany (Frankfurt am Main), Switzerland (Zurich), Israel (Tel-Aviv-Yafo), Ethiopia (Addis-Ababa), and Kenya (Nairobi).

7. Luxurious Hotels

The islands offer tourists not only acquaintance with tropical nature and local culture but also top-notch service. Seychelles is a vacation spot «not for everyone». Many tourists get here only on special occasions, such as honeymoon journeys, anniversaries, etc. Even though local tourist authorities support the development of a more budget-friendly accommodation section (i.e., guesthouses) by all means, welcoming tourists with every kind of budget, most travellers believe that Seychelles is still something only for the rich. The accommodations offering their services here are primarily meant for discerning travellers.

For example, Constance Ephelia Resort has separated swimming pools for different tourist categories: to prevent children from splashing about among relaxed elderly couples, a special «quiet» swimming pool was made; there, even talking is required to be not loud.

The majority of hotels offer absolute privacy even in the rooms of the most spread categories. Private villas with swimming pools and multiroom villas are plentiful.

8. There is Always Something to Do in Seychelles

Although the hotels here are so amazing that you absolutely don’t want to leave them, there are things you can do in Seychelles besides relaxing on stunning white sand beaches by the calm, warm ocean. Here are some activities we suggest trying while you are in the beautiful Seychelles.

Hiking, which can be perceived as an active nature exploration, is done here with a guide. He/she tells you about various things related to nature, so that your walk will be useful not only for your muscles, but also for your brain. Hiking is popular in Mahé, Praslin, and Silhouette islands. Large hotels like Constance Ephelia, Club Med Seychelles, or Hilton Labriz Resort offer hiking options within their expansive territories.

Excursions on Mahé to Victoria, the world’s smallest capital, with a population of 22,881 (as of 2023). It has a national museum, a post office, a colourful market, art galleries, creole restaurants, and, of course, a great deal of souvenir shops. Other entertainment options include visiting a tea plantation, riding on a boat with a glass floor, or visiting the botanical garden with exotic flowers and gigantic tortoises.

Seychelles Island Hopping

A journey between islands allows you to deeply feel true beauty and enjoy Seychelles’ marvellous views and beaches. You can navigate between 115 islands by boat, helicopter or plane, which is an attraction in itself. Praslin Island offers visits to its 22 beaches or the forest where the famous Coco de Mer grows. Cousin Island is a birdwatcher treasure trove, with up to 250,000 sea birds nesting there. La Digue Island is well known for its Instagrammable coast called Anse Source d’Argent, which is coated with huge granite rocks. It also has a historical headframe factory and plantations of vanilla and cinnamon. Curieuse Island boasts its tortoise reserve, a house museum, and mangrove forests. Aride Island is a nature reserve inhabited by rare species of endemic animals and plants. Bird Island offers excellent birdwatching at over a million black terns and deep-sea fishing over a picturesque coral reef.

Air and Water Exploration

Seychelles is a volcanic archipelago known for its picturesque landscape and sinuous shoreline. All this is especially exciting to see heliborne. One of the most popular sea excursions is to the National Marine Park. Such journeys are often made on a boat with a transparent bottom and include snorkelling. Besides, Seychelles is a paradise for divers and sea fishing enthusiasts. Deep-sea and bottom fishing are available; local waters are home to kingfish, spearfish, green jack, tuna, dorado, and bonito. If you are lucky enough, you get to catch a blue marlin. During diving, you can occasionally see whale sharks.

Hotel-Based Activities

Hotels try to outdo each other in a variety of activities offered to the guests. For example, Constance Ephelia has the largest SPA across the Indian Ocean (at least, that’s what they say themselves). They also provide outdoor yoga lessons, which may sound simple but, in fact, is an amazing and incomparable emotional experience. Club Med Seychelles Exclusive Collection, set on the private island Sainte Anne, nestled within the National Marine Park, offers over 20 sports to guests of all ages. For instance, one can learn to sail a sailing catamaran, play tennis, or shoot a bow. For those who want to have it all simultaneously, the hotel offers a unique activity — hiking yoga in the jungle, during which you combine retreat practices with walking in the mountains.

Summing It Up

It is essential for demanding tourists that it is all real in Seychelles. If you spend the evening with champagne — the wine will be good, and the views will be really good. If you go to the local market, it will be authentic: creole women buying fish and vegetables for an evening meal, not foistees trying to palm another tawdry souvenir onto a tourist. During snorkelling, you truly have a chance to see bright, colourful fishes, not just soaking your crown in the Indian Ocean. Tourist policy of Seychelles is described by a principle «less is more», so holiday-makers won’t have to jostle one another in a queue for a selfie with a tortoise or «enjoy» pop music shouting out from the neighbouring boat’s speakers. There are just enough boats, fish, and space for everyone.

Did you get inspired enough to wish for a trip to Seychelles? If you do, start by finding accommodation. Hotelin.com helps you perform this important task easier than ever: multiple price sources make sure you learn all the options from a number of booking platforms, and various filters help you customise your search. With this website, your unforgettable adventure is just a few clicks away. See you in Seychelles!

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