
The Best Scuba Diving Locations In The World

Scuba diving is rapidly becoming one of the most popular water sports activities. Once only practiced by those with a scientific interest in marine life, scuba diving is being taken up by people who have witnessed the underwater world on nature documentaries and TV channels.

Many environmentalists believe that more people learning to scuba dive is a good thing; the more people witness the magnificence that exists underwater, the more they will try to protect it from ecological damage. With an increasing number of scuba diving schools popping up and diving gear becoming cheaper, there is a definite increase in the number of people willing to take up scuba diving. Here are some of the best places in the world for scuba diving enthusiasts:

Heron Island, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia, is undoubtedly one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. The coral beds are quite majestic and play host to a very diverse and enthralling variety of sea life. Heron Island sits right in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef and provides an ideal location to bring your scuba diving adventures in the reef. The island, a part of Queensland, boats of over 20 different locations from where you can launch your scuba diving excursions. Although pleasant year-round, it is best to avoid the area around the October to May period, when the reef is teeming with box jellyfish.

Rocktail Bay, South Africa

The province of KwaZulu-Natal plays hosts to two parks that hold the title of UNESCO World Heritage sites. However, scuba diving has been a very recent addition to the list of adventures you can indulge in during your stay in the South African province. Be prepared to spot an extremely wide variety of fish and do not be surprised to see bottle-nosed dolphins scuttling along the shore. Some lucky scuba divers have even been fortunate enough to see whales. The best part about Rocktail Bay, besides the diversity in marine life, is the fact that it is not too popular with tourists and crowding is never an issue. You can easily relax while scuba diving at Rocktail Bay, without having to worry about bumping into other divers.

Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos

While everyone has heard of the Bahamas, not enough people have heard about the islands of Turks and Caicos. The islands are fast becoming very popular tourist destination, partly because of what it has to offer for scuba divers. Divers will very much enjoy the wonders of the coral reefs that are undamaged due to the strict environmental protection laws in place. Besides your usual different varieties of fish, be prepared to swim with bottle-nosed dolphins and eels.

Sulawesi, Indonesia

A country like Indonesia has so much to offer to tourists, that a place like Sulawesi could well slip under the radar of most visitors. However, for those interested in scuba diving, the coasts of Sulawesi are a must-visit. The ecological diversity found within the waters off the coast of Indonesia is quite staggering. For fans of marine biology, the immense diversity can leave them speechless and with a smile on their face that won’t disappear for weeks.

As scuba diving becomes more popular, divers actively lookout for new areas to explore. While the options are numerous, these scuba diving locations are guaranteed to be some of the best in the world and will not disappoint.

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