The Ultimate Travel Bucket List

A ‘bucket list’ describes all of the things we want to do before we die. In other words these are the things we want to do before we ‘kick the bucket’ so that we can pass away feeling like we’ve accomplished much in our lives and have fully experienced living.

This might sound rather morbid due to the fixation on death, but actually it’s a very positive concept and a great way to make sure that you go out there and experience as much as you possibly can. It might be called a bucket list, but it’s very much about living.

With that in mind then, coming up with a bucket list is a perfect way to make sure that you live life to the fullest and get as many experiences as possible, and many of these experiences will likely be to do with, or at least involve, travelling. Seeing the world and encountering different landscapes and cultures is a fantastic way to experience more of life and to literally ‘see more of the world’.

Starting off making a travel bucket list then is a great way to begin getting more from life. Here we will look at some great suggestions to get the ball rolling…

  • See the modern wonders of the world
  • See the Grand Canyon
  • Ride a camel
  • Go scuba diving somewhere hot
  • Go on a safari
  • Shop in a traditional market
  • Stay in a hostel
  • Go to a foreign country without having booked accommodation
  • Do a road trip across America
  • Have a holiday romance
  • Spend the night drinking with a group of foreign strangers
  • Go to the Full Moon party in Thailand
  • See the pyramids of Giza
  • Climb a mountain
  • Stand on a glacier
  • Do Christmas and/or New Year in a foreign country
  • Go to the biggest club in the World
  • Go gambling in Las Vegas
  • Visit the big three European capitals: Rome, Paris and London
  • Travel somewhere remote where no-one speaks the language
  • Eat haggis in Scotland
  • Attend a premier
  • Travel with just a small backpack of things
  • See Niagra Falls
  • See Stonehenge
  • Spend a night in Venice
  • Make a foreign pen friend
  • Visit Auschwitz
  • Go trekking in the Himalayas
  • Sky dive or bungee jump abroad
  • Go on a skiing holiday
  • Spend a night in a log cabin
  • Visit New York
  • Go ‘glamping’
  • Go on a cruise
  • Spend a night on a boat
  • Visit the Taj Mahal
  • Trek through a desert
  • See the Pope
  • Meet the Queen of England
  • Go to a music festival
  • Go to a beer festival
  • Do the Spanish Bull Run
  • Walk along the Great Wall of China
  • Visit a film set
  • Get a tattoo abroad
  • Stay in a luxurious five star hotel
  • Visit Dubai
  • Climb the Eiffel Tower

So there you have just a small selection of ideas to get you started with your travel bucket list. Of course while these are some suggestions that will appeal to a lot of people, the point is that a bucket list is a personal thing. You can include anything you’re keen to try on your bucket list, and as long as it enriches your life and gives you a great story to tell the Grandchildren, then it will provide a fulfilling experience that’s worth tracking down.

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