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Things to Do in Ibiza

When you think about taking a long weekend and heading off to Europe, it often happens that you end up taking a city break. With the huge number of cheap flights that are available, the major cities of Europe have opened up to us and it’s as easy to pop over to Prague, Istanbul, Paris or Rome as it is to visit one of the major cities in your own country.

However, it can be just as easy to choose to spend a weekend on a beach or among nature. One destination that offers the perfect combination of both is the Spanish island of Ibiza. You may think of it as a party island – and it has earned that reputation mainly because of the clubbing resort of San Antonio – but there is plenty more to this beautiful island than all-night clubs.


Of course, first and foremost are the collections of beautiful beaches you can spend time on. Many of the resorts have dive centers and other water-based activities to take part in, or you can just pick your sunbathing spot and settle down for the day.


Another major pastime on the island of Ibiza is hiking, and there are numerous beautiful trails to follow. You can also find plenty of places that offer guided walks which can provide you with extra insight and information on the island and its history.

Ses Salines Natural Park

Natural beauty spots include areas like the Ses Salines Natural Park, which is a marine conservation area. There’s a beautiful beach that is more than a kilometer long and you can easily spend the day here, enjoying the crystal blue sea and views all around you.

Can Marçà Caves

To the north of the island you can explore the Can Marçà Caves, limestone caves that are networked with waterfalls near the Port of San Miquel.

Of course, there’s plenty more to do on this island and you won’t be able to squeeze it all into a long weekend; you might choose to go for a week or two. But that’s not to say you can’t have an enjoyable few days on this beautiful Mediterranean island and return to work feeling refreshed and re-energized.

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