
Top 10 Things To Do In San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco is a perfect tourist-destination. Nevertheless, you need to prioritize your itinerary before visiting the city. That’s because, there are too many spots that qualify visiting, and with a limited span of time on your hands, you don’t want to get confused between too many options. The following is the list of 10 spots and activities that you ‘have’ to visit and experience to make your trip there worthwhile.

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is to San Francisco, what the statue of liberty is to New York. You can take a bike ride or a stroll across this engineering marvel or even a taxi-ride across it if you hate breaking a sweat.


Sausalito, a neighborhood just across San Francisco Bay, has some of the best views of San Francisco in the area. The ferry ride across the bay feels like a mini cruise. Most people take a stroll, enjoying the best views of the city from there.


A self-guided audio tour is the best way of lending a sense of life to this legendary abandoned prison. Visiting Alcatraz will give you bragging rights and stories that you can share with your friends and family later, though it will take half a day off your itinerary.

Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39 and Ghirardelli Square

These three ‘must-visit’ waterfronts should go together in your sight-seeing because they are in the same area. The breath-taking waterfront view, coupled with street-performers performing unique routines will give you the quintessential San Francisco experience.

Ride a Cable-Car

Your trip to San-Francisco remains incomplete unless you take a ride on the city’s ‘moving landmark’, the cable-cars. You can also witness quite a few interesting neighborhoods along their routes, but you need to grab an outside seat for that.

Explore the Exploratorium

It’s one of the first ‘hands-on’ science museums and a good indoor option for a rainy day. People of all ages enjoy the simple, hands-on exhibits displayed in this museum that is housed in The Palace of Fine Arts.

Lombard Street

Billed as one of the ‘crookedest’ roads in the world, this block long street with 8 sharp turns is a quaint sight to behold. It’s beset with colorful flowers on both sides and makes a perfect ‘post-card’ styled photographic subject.


At 8 blocks long and 3 blocks wide, San-Francisco’s Chinatown is one of the largest outside China. You can go on a stroll along one of the two major streets, buy souvenirs, take photos or just gawk at the architecture. You can also check out the shops selling traditional Chinese stuff if you are feeling adventurous.

Golden Gate Park

San Francisco’s largest outdoor spot, this park has multiple attractions like Dutch windmills, Japanese tea garden and Conservatory of Flowers. This place has something for everyone- whether you want to go sight-seeing or enjoy an intimate picnic.

Take the Bay Cruise

The traditional cruise going around Alcatraz island and under the Golden Gate Bridge is a nice way to round-off your San Francisco experience. This cruise lets you see the city from different angles and enjoy it’s skyline.

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