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Top Walking/Trekking Locations in Scotland

Scotland is an ideal destination for walking tours, fact. This highland country offers some exceptional trails for walking, camping and exploring the land. There is no region in Scotland without a walking trail, be it a beginner route or one suitable primarily for experienced trekkers.

Hillwalking or trekking offers many great benefits, from health and improving your cardiovascular fitness levels to being able to enjoy the nature, walking surrounded by serene and scenic landscapes.

If you are thinking of spending walking holidays in Scotland, here are some of the most popular trails you could consider walking.

Most Popular Scottish Walking Trails

1. Hill of Fare

The flat topped Hill of Fare is one of the beginner friendly trails. Spanning over 8 miles / 13 km it is graded suitable for walkers of all ages.

TIP: Remember to pack a compass and a map as you might have to navigate your way in few places.

2. Great Glen Way

If you are looking to spend more than just a day on the slope, and are a more experienced walker then Great Glen Way is probably your best place to go. Spanning over 79 miles / 127 km and located between Fort William and Inverness, the Great Glen Way is a pure walkers delight.

It will take approx. 5-6 days to pass the entire route. If you are worried about accommodation, you can stay overnight with various communities on the Glen.

3. The Three Lochs Way

Probably the most known and most picturesque of Scottish walking trails. This 34miles / 55 km long trail takes you on a fascinating journey with three lakes as the scenic backdrop: Loch Lomond, The Gareloch and Loch Long.

The Three Lochs Way can be walked in a 3-4 days but you can also do only a smaller part of the walk, join in or leave at any time.

4. The West Highland Way

Starting at Milngavie and spanning 96 miles / 154 km, the West Highland Way is true test of your trekking skills. The trail leads you through the shores of Loch Lomond, the Devil’s Staircase and takes you up to the Gordon Square in the Fort William.

The terrain on your way will consist of lowland moors, woods and high mountains so be prepared for a good bit of exercise while on your way.

Tips for Walking in Scotland

Before you head on to the trail, consider those few tips to ensure that you stay safe and healthy during the walk.

1. Check Out The Weather Forecast

The weather in Scotland tends to change quite often and quickly. What looks like a beautiful and sunny morning might actually turn into a nasty, stormy day.

Therefore, always check the weather before heading onto the slope to know what to wear and take with you.

2. Check The Trail For Your Advancement Level

Trails in Scotland are graded and you can quickly establish whether the one you intend to walk is suitable for your skill level.

3. Wear Warm And Wind / Water Proof Clothing

First of all, the weather in Scotland changes constantly and quickly. But there is the other reason, the higher you climb, the colder it will become.

4. Wear Shoes With Good Ankle Support

Hillwalking is no fun and may require from you some physical activity not to mention, putting a lot of strain on your body. A twisted ankle is one of the most common injuries on the slope. To prevent it, wear shoes with a good ankle support.

5. Have A First Aid With You

Carry a first aid with you on the trail as you never know when you might need to treat some minor injuries.

6. Have Some Reserve Food Supplies

Lastly, if you are going to walk one of the longer walks, make sure that you carry at least some reserve food supplies. You never know what might happen on the trail and if you are not going to get delayed. Some extra food might come really handy in those situations.

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